Friday, November 30, 2007

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..Rom 1:16 a (NIV)

Guangzhou’s climate tends to be humid. This coupled with the cold weather is definitely not good for those suffering from arthritis. For this reason, during my stay there, I used to go for massages, at least once a week. It’s only about 30-40 yuan for a full hour. The massage improves blood circulation and unblocks trapped air which is a cause for bone ache. I often had my massages at the Military Hospital where they have qualified masseurs.
Last week , I suffered an incessant, killing headache that robbed me of all productivity. It was so bad that I was reminded of how good the Guangzhou massages were. That’s when I decided I would go for a Chinese massage. The female masseur was a lady in her mid thirties. She is from Shenyang and is here on a three year contract. We had a good chat and I was able to share my testimony with her. Her name is Liu Po (ur). She tells me that her birthday falls on December 25th. Umm…something to ponder and pray about.
Lord in Heaven
Thank you for the opportunity
To declare your goodness
And your faithfulness
May the good news fall on fertile ground
May it multiply a thousand fold
Unto thy glory
In Jesus Name

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fear not, for I have redeemed you;..Isa 43:1 d( NIV)

The Bible tells us to fear GOD. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. As much as we are exhorted to fear the LORD, we are also told not to fear. "Fear not," "do not be afraid," GOD assures his people many times in the Bible. For in his infinite kindness, He knows that we are but made of dust and are weak and easily frightened. We may be afraid because of the insecurity of our jobs, we may be afraid of a bad boss, of cunning colleagues, snatch thieves, old age... the list goes on. BUT stop! Don't you know that when you are afraid, it infers you do not believe God's promise that he will be with you?

Oh Lord, thank you for the sweet assurance
That we should fear not
For your watchful eye is ever over us
Hovering like a doting mother over her children.

Therefore I shall still my fear
Of the known as well as the unknown
Of the present as well as the future
For you are with me through storm and calm
And you will lead me home victoriously.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I’m reading Philip Yancey’s book, “What’s So Amazing About Grace? His accounts of grace, especially the lack of it in the church rings a shrill bell. Grace should be the hallmark of the church in a world that desperately needs it, in a world that says : “You scratch your back, I scratch your back.” In other words, I expect a favor in return for my favor. Nothing is free. Instead everything comes with a price.

Grace, on the other hand bestows love, forgiveness, kindness to one who doesn’t deserve it and expects nothing in return. Grace is the extra mark that the teacher gives that moves you from Fail to a Pass grade. You didn’t work for it, you didn’t deserve it, but the teacher gave it to you, anyway.

Stories about grace warm the heart. The hand of forgiveness extended to Germany and Japan for war atrocities illustrates the concept of grace. Corrie ten Boom who was sent to concentration camp during the Second World War spoke of how she was preaching about forgiving your enemies when a man in the audience came up and asked in an unbelieving voice whether it was truly possible to be forgiven. He turned out to be the prison officer who had made life hell for the inmates of her concentration camp – the man who had killed her sister.

It’s easy to talk about grace until it hits home! There was a moment of emotional conflict for Corrie ten Boom. But grace, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit triumphed and she was able to forgive him and to pray for God’s forgiveness for him.

Grace is best seen in my favorite hymn:
Amazing grace. How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fear relieved……
The hymn was written by a former slave trader. Remember, slave traders are inhuman. See how the power of God’s grace changed this man.

Lord, may we see more of such grace in your church!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

He has made everything beautiful ( Ecc 3:11,NIV)

Here is a beautiful poem e-mailed to me in the Christmas of 1999. I don't know if Audrey Hepburn was a Christian but her lyrics are laced with scriptural essence.
The Bible tells us that the same lips that praise God is also used to curse fellowmen. Didn’t Jesus say: Why do you look at the dirt in someone’s eye and not see the plank in your own? Remember, Jesus attracted tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers and a never ending line of those regarded as no gooders during his earthly ministry. As Christmas approaches, let’s learn from this legacy left by the enigmatic Audrey Hepburn. Let’s stop being critical. Instead, let's see the good in others. Let's treat them with love and care. By the way, I've used this poem with great effect with my classes.

Beauty Tips

By Audrey Hepburn

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.
People, even more than things have to be restored, renewed,
revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anybody.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,
you'll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands,
one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure she carries or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from within her eyes.
because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? (Mt,18:21 b, NIV)

My spirit is troubled. LST dropped a bombshell by way of conversation, announcing that she had left the faith. This past year, I’ve been lifiting her up in prayer like she was a non believer. I guess my spirit knew but my eyes refused to accept the signs. Still, the confirmation direct from the horse’s mouth, left me dazed. I was in remorse the whole day-shaken, frightened and defeated.

Lord, you who are a God of covenant
Who keeps to your side of the promise
I pledge today before You
To stop asking to see your punishment
Upon those who have torn my name to smithers
With lies and distorted truths
Who slander my name with vindictiveness
I wipe off their account
The abacus is at zero
They owe me nothing now
In exchange, I beg You
To restore LST’s faith
To touch her heart and spirit
Once more, with your love and grace
In your mercy, forgive her sins
May your angels minister to her spirit
May she see your hand of grace
In every adversity
And know that she worships
A God who is alive and who cares
In Jesus’ most precious Name

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For it is by grace, you have been saved, through faith..Eph 2:8 a

Today, I'm reminded of God's grace to me from the time, I believed in Him, three decades or more ago. One incident stands out clearly, illustrating His grace to me. It took place in my early twenties, when I joined a group tour to the East coast. I was playing by the edge of the beach but before I realized it, the people on the beach looked to me like puppets. I realized that I had somehow, drifted far out to Fear, alarm overcame me! I swam with all my strength back to the beach, swallowing tons of salt water from the South China Sea in the process.
I wasn't a Christian then, A week later, I read in the papers that a skin specialist from the University Hospital, an expert swimmer had drowned in the same spot.
When I finally believed in Jesus Christ, my eyes were opened to His grace, extended to me, even before I knew Him.

Lord, You are so gracious
Even when we don't deserve it
You give wealth to the righteous and wicked
You suffer our disobedience and impudence
You suffer our sins which are dirty rags in your sight
You continue to shower your grace on mankind
Even when we are hostile to you

Like the father waiting for the prodigal son
You wait for us to return to your bosom
Where we can find comfort and rest
Protection from the storms of life

Ah Lord, that you may give me a portion of your grace
To show to those who don't deserve it
Grace that comes not from self
But from the enabling of the Holy Spirit

Monday, November 19, 2007 prepared in season and out of season; 2 Ti 4:2 (NIV)

When I was taking a short course in Beijing, my hostel looked out to the college backyard. The fall had set in and each time I looked out of my fourth floor window, my attention was drawn towards this tree with its wide canopy . As fall set in, its crowning glory was being shed, slowly but surely. By winter, it was totally bald. It stood stark naked with its bare arms in surrender to the freezing Beijing temperature. Coming from the tropics, I often marveled at the sight. Then summer set in and before I knew it, the tree was rejuvenated, its glory once again restored.

Lord, you made the heavens and the earth
You made the seasons too
Summer to bear fruit
Winter to rest
It is your way of teaching your people
That there is a season for everything
A season to plant and a season to harvest
But one thing is needful
Whether in season or out
To be prepared for thy coming
To have our lamps and oil ready
When the marching order comes
To welcome the Bridegroom

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pray continually; (1 Ti 2:8, NIV)

It's the rainy season. Afternoon convectional rains are common. I was watching one the other day. The house electricity had tripped. It does whenever fierce thunder rolls and lightning strikes. "The skies must be angry," I tell myself, jokingly. But seriously, the dark moods of the weather gives me the premonition that the second coming of Christ is imminent. That shakes me. I'm just not ready for Him!

Lord, heaven is a wonderful place
A nirvana where the streets are paved with gold
Where sadness and sickness are unheard of
Where everyone is filled with joy and peace
A second Garden of Eden
Where we can talk and walk with you
So, why am I not ready to make the step to cross over?
Cos a dead person cannot praise you

Cos I'm waiting for You to use me
Cos there are scores to be settled
Cos evil has to be overcome
Not with weapons, nor with words

But with the prayer of power

Saturday, November 17, 2007

As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; Ps:103:15, NIV

I stopped by to get a bunch of orchids and fifty cents of jasmine from the Indian florist at the morning market today. The orchids are in the living room but as for the jasmine, I have had it strewn on my study table. It's not opened yet but sniffs of its fragrance has begun to permeate the room. There are some references of flowers in the Bible, In fact, Jesus Christ has been described as the Lily of the valley in a hymn.

Lord, when I look at the orchids
And see the various shades of purple
I marvel at your handiwork
The care you took in endowing it with its royal robe
When the fragrance of jasmine fills the room
I marvel at the power of such a tiny flower

For its fragrance soothes my frayed nerves

Lord, thank you for time to enjoy the flowers
Thank you for the eyes to appreciate your creation
Most of all thank you for the reminder that
Our lives are like the flower of the field

It flourishes but for a moment

Therefore, we need to make every moment count for eternity


Thursday, November 15, 2007

For God so loved the world that he gave us his one and only Son….

God became man in the form of Jesus
What does that mean to me, Lord?
It means you, the Creator chose to become as vulnerable as man
While you were on earth -
A helpless baby needing mother’s milk
Consecrated on the eighth day
Your earthly parents could only offer a poor man’s sacrifice
You became a refugee baby to get away from
The bloody hands of King Herod
You subjected yourself to parental authority
Perhaps taunted due to your virgin birth
You needn’t have to suffer all these
For heaven with all its splendor is your throne
But you left it all for me –a sinner
That I may repent and accept you as my God and Savior
And have eternal life
At thirty, you launched your public ministry
Beginning with a forty day fast
After which the devil tempted you
But you overcame the devil not by sword or fist
But by the power of the Word of God
You went about teaching and healing
Often misunderstood and judged
When tired you slept
When thirsty, you asked for a drink
When lonely you sought the company of the inner circle
You needn’t have to suffer all these
For you are God and everything is at your command
But you did it for me – a sinner
That I may repent and accept you as my God and Savior
And have eternal life

Then you were betrayed for thirty pieces of silver
By one you regarded a close friend
Three times Peter denied knowing you
None of the apostles were found
When you hung on the cross
Except your beloved John and the faithful women
Satan thought he’d won when you were nailed on the Cross
Little did he know that you allowed yourself to be a living sacrifice
So that those who believe in your death, burial and resurrection
Can be restored in fellowship with the Father
Passing from death to life
Oh blessed Jesus!Thank you for the gift of Christmas

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger...Luke2: 7b..NIV

Lord, you left the grandeur of your palace
To come to this cruel and wicked place
You could have come as a prince
Born into the home of a powerful ruler
But you chose to identify with the poorest of poor
When you were born in the dark and smelly manger
And you did it all for sinners like me
If not for your sacrifice on the cross
If not for your death and resurrection
We would still be men and women without purpose or hope
Thank you Lord Jesus for the priceless gift of Christmas
Because of your sacrifice, we who believe in You
Enjoy the privilege of a living relationship with our Creator

Monday, November 12, 2007

“If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” (2 Thess 3 :10b)

Idleness has its degrees. There are those who might consider performing a task that does not soil the hands. Between light and heavy work, they might choose the former. Then there are some who might consider contributing part of a workload. But the epitome of idleness is found in those who spend the whole day in empty talk and gossip, in imposing on people’s hospitality. Paul says “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” (2 Thess 3 :10b) The message is plain and clear. One does not have to feel guilty for not helping such a person.

Paul points out that he and his co-workers work day and night for their food and for God’s work in order to be a visible example for the Thessalonian church to follow.

This reminds me of a foreign friend, GB. He is the reverse of the idleness. When he’s working, he forgets about food and fatigue. But the moment, he’s free, he thinks of nothing but sleep.

...…pray for us … ..(2 Thess 3:1 b)

I have been re-listening to Pastor Lamb's sermons to brush up on my Pudonghua and Cantonese. His Bible expositions as always are simple, direct but interesting to his congregation because of the local examples he uses to illustrate spiritual concepts. Although my Mandarin is elementary, but I'm always fascinated each time he uses the written script to illustrate a point.

The Chinese script is tonal ( five tones) and made up of different radicals, often in pictorial form. In this sermon, he gave several illustrations of the meaning of disciple (men (2) tu(2). At this point in writing, I am unable to relate what he said about the Chinese character of disciple.

Based on Verse 1 and 2, we find that Paul asked for prayer for himself and his co workers. Does it surprise us that even Paul and spiritual giants of his time - Timothy, Silas required prayer? No, it shouldn't because God's servants are easy targets for the enemy who will use all kinds of means to frustrate the spread of the gospel. But with prayer, the enemy's progress will surely be derailed.

Lord, may your presence be with your workers
May their message of your love spread far and wide
May lives be saved
May the bells of heaven ring every second
With each added soul
Saved by the preaching of thy servants
In Jesus Name

Saturday, November 10, 2007

..well done, good and faithful servant! (Mt 25:23b)

Starbucks launched its Christmas TV ad two days back. When I saw it, I almost fell out of my seat. What! Christmas already! It’s a signal that another 365 days of 2007 will soon come to an end. How have I used the time? Did I put it to good use or did I waste it away? There are many things in life that we can reclaim, but time once lost is like rice turned into porridge. Once gone, there is no turning back to redeem the twenty four hours of each day of 2007.

This reminds me of the parable of the talents in which the master gave five talents to one, two talents to another and one talent to the last, all in proportion to their ‘talents’ or ‘abilities.’ The Bible tells us that the first two doubled their talents but the last one ‘buried’ his talent. The act of the last person, incurred the master’s wrath so much so that he punished him by taking away his talent and giving it to the one who already had ten talents.

Parables in the Bible are stories that carry life lessons. This one is no different. Gifts and talents and I’m using the terms interchangeably here need to be honed. We’ve heard the saying ‘practice makes perfect.’ The singer who exercises his vocal chords and practices on his song repertoire daily is likely to perform better than one who slacks in practice. The writer who keeps on writing and writing and writing will soon find it easier to work his craft than one who waits for inspiration to seize him. The student who works on his mathematical problems will soon figure out how to arrive at the solutions.

Often times, we hear someone say, “But I have no talent.” This is not true. We all have talents. God is fair. He gives us gifts according to our abilities. I know of a lady who served food in church and learnt enough to set up a home food catering business that financed her children’s education abroad.

Our gifts need not be in high profile. Acknowledging someone with a warm smile, greeting a senior citizen, giving directions to a tourist are acts that make the day for its recipients. Keep on serving with whatever talents we have at hand and see our gifts multiply with time.

Lord Jesus- You who are the Giver of good gifts
Show us how to appreciate our gifts
Help us to use them to spread your love and goodness
When weariness takes over, grant us the discipline to persevere
For your kingdom sake