Monday, December 17, 2007

Christian Apologetics

D.... heard the testimony of a Chinese pastor on video. The testimony was very touching and tells of God's providence to a poor student throughout his years of studies abroad. He shares of how through the generosity of fellow Christians, he came to know a God who is real, who cares, who answers prayers and who can be trusted. After his graduation, he went into full time ministry.

I cut out the sermon by Dr. Billy Graham relating to Christian families. Instead, I shared of God's faithfulness to me.

D.... has been exposed to a church wedding when he attended the wedding of his sister in law's sister. His excuse is that he is a Buddhist and he gets drunk sometimes.

The devil's ploy is often that all religions are the same and that "oh, I'm not good enough to be a Christian."

How to defend the issue of "all religions are the same." Use an analogy that your listener can relate to. For my Chinese students in China, I would tell them :
"There are many ways to go to Beijing - by train, air, bus, on foot etc. But there is
only ONE way to heaven. And it is not by being a good person, obeying your parents, abiding by party rules etc, etc. Although such things are good, by themselves if they are within the law, they cannot solve the SIN issue. Jesus, by his death on the cross serves as a BRIDGE between GOD and MAN. When you accept Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR, you bridge the gap between yourself and GOD. He solves your sin issue because your sins are forgiven.

Other religions provides rules. Christianity asks ONLY that you BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose again. Once you confess that and invite JESUS to be your LORD and SAVIOR, you have eternal life and your sins are forgiven- as simple as all that. And your place in heaven is guaranteed. In other religions, you can work till doomsday and still WILL NOT be able to fulfill your tasks because sinning is in our nature.

How to defend the issue of "I'm not good enough to be a Christian."
You don't become good to be a Christian. It's the other way round. As Jesus said, I come for the sinners. Once you believe in Jesus Christ, something wonderful takes place within your heart and spirit and by God's enabling, you will desire to do good because you love HIM.

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