Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Faulty Remote

The Rusty Coil (Pix 1) Remote Control (Pix 2)
Liu Po (ur) returned my call. She’s unable to make it for the breakfast video. What a waste, I thought. I’ve got three videos and no one to show it to. I had invited my nephew, David but he shied off when he heard about the video. But surprise, surprise!!! My neighbors whom I had also invited and requested to RSVP by Tuesday, called on Wednesday evening. Beyonce is coming with a friend.

I’ve previewed the English video. The testimony is powerful. If I use it, I would need to cut off the songs. I’ve also seen the Chinese version. It is good too. Which to choose, that’s the problem. If I choose the Chinese video, I don’t have to bother with using the remote but if I choose the English video, I would need to select the shorter version and to fast forward and I'm unable to do it because the remote control is not functioning since the battery had leaked causing a rusty spring. The machine doesn't make allowance for manual function. Nevertheless, I would still need to get a new remote that works on my video.

What kind of dinner should I prepare for my guests? The choice is between Italian and Chinese. I don’t trust my oven, yet I’m inclined towards Italian. We’ll just have to see this coming Sunday.

Lord, may your Holy Spirit touch the hearts of those watching the video.
In Christ's Name

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